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Understanding How Pancreatic Cancer Spreads

Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when the any part of the pancreas is infected by malignant cancer cells. This may hamper the function of the pancreas which includes its exocrine or endocrine functions.  In 70% of the cases, the pancreatic cancers are found in the head of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer can spread to nearby blood vessels, lymph nodes, nerves and to the lining of the abdomen also known as the peritoneum. These cancer cells may also travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body like the liver. Cancer treatment in Siliguri has evolved largely in the past years.

Table of contents:

  1. Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
  2. Stage 4A and 4B pancreatic cancer
  3. Metastatic pancreatic cancer treatment

Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Metastatic pancreatic cancer is cancer which begins in the pancreas and then goes on to spread on to other organs. Most pancreatic cancers first commonly spread within the abdomen and spread further on to the liver, lungs, bones and brain.  Regardless of where the cancer spreads to in the body, it is still considered pancreatic cancer. For example, a cancer that had spread to the liver from the pancreas is still considered pancreatic cancer and not liver cancer.

Stage 4A and 4B pancreatic cancer

A process known as staging is used by oncologists to determine how far the pancreatic cancer has spread. Stages 1, 2 and 3 indicate that the cancer is confined in the pancreas and has not spread on to other organs. Stage 4 indicatesmetastatic pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer can be classified can be classified into two categories depending on where the cancer has spread.

Stage 4A:The cancer has spread to nearby organs or blood vessels surrounding the pancreas.

Stage 4B:The cancer has spread to distant organs like the lungs, liver or bones

This diagnosis along with the location, size and the cellular makeup of the tumor can largely influence the decision to come up with the best approach to treatment.

Metastatic pancreatic cancer treatment

When the cancer spreads outside of the pancreas, surgery may or may not be considered. The most common treatment the oncologists recommend for metastatic cancers is systematic treatments that circulates throughout the entire body and destroys cancerous cells in multiple locations.

Chemotherapy and targeted therapy are two types of systematic treatment that are often recommended for patients suffering from late stage pancreatic cancer. Some patients also choose to enroll in clinical trials to access newfound therapies like immunotherapy for cancer treatment in Siliguri.

Siliguri Nursing Home is one of the best hospitals for cancer treatment in Siliguri. Equipped with an advanced clinical oncology department we help with the diagnosis of the cancer stage, cover high precision lab tests and discuss the relevant treatments in consideration to the patient’s general health.



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